JWW: kayaking 2021
The end of May is the perfect start for any outdoor team-building activities. Therefore, this year we decided to kick off the season with a kayaking trip in the Barycz Valley located in the northern regions near Wrocław. Equipped with raincoats we set off into the great unknown under the care of Agnieszka and Szymon from KAYAK TOURS.
We build our partnership with JWW Clients from the ground up, from the inside out. That’s why we not only enjoy working together, but also running, cooking or – like this time – rowing 🙂 Despite unpredictable weather conditions we successfully managed to complete 11 km route and at the end of it, there was a bonfire waiting for us.
As in earlier years, we also used KAYAK TOURS who professionally prepared the trip and trained us on how to use the equipment and dispelled the myth about killer kayaks overturing or turning upside-down on their own…. 🙂
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